Focuses on correcting dental and jaw issues to improve breathing and overall health, addressing airway concerns.

Find Relief from
TMJ Pain and Headaches
Are you weary of living with persistent discomfort?
Dr. Munkel and his dedicated team have spent almost a decade providing TMJ relief, headache relief, and migraine management for their patients.
While “TMJ” is a common term, it’s just one aspect of the complex world of craniofacial pain, which includes chronic head and facial discomfort, recurring headaches, and migraines.
At the Center for TMJ, Sleep Therapy & Airway Orthodontics, we understand that these issues often indicate an underlying problem. Successful treatment depends on identifying the root cause.
We’ve developed a reliable process for diagnosing and addressing craniofacial pain, including TMJ and providing headache and migraine relief, and managing sleep disorders like sleep apnea and snoring without surgery.

- Humming, buzzing or ringing
- Decreased hearing
- Ear pain, ear ache, infection
- Clogged, ''itchy'' ears
- Vertigo, dizziness
- Forehead
- Temples
- ''Migraine'' type
- Sinus type
- Shooting pain up back of head
- Hair and/or scalp painful to touch
- Bloodshot eyes
- Pain behind eye
- Sensitive to sunlight
- May bulge out
- Limited opening of mouth
- Discomfort
- Jaw deviates to one side when opening
- Inability to open smoothly
- Locks shut or open
- Can't find bite
- Clenching, grinding teeth at night
- Looseness and soreness of back teeth
- Clicking, popping jaw joints
- Gratings sounds
- Pain in cheek muscles
- Uncontrollable jaw and/or toungue movements
- Neck pain
- Lack of mobility, stiffness
- Sore muscles
- Shoulder aches and backaches
- Arm and finger numbness and/or pain
- Difficulty swallowing
- Sore throat with no infection
- Laryngitis
- Voice irregularities or changes
- Recurring cough or continuous throat clearing
- Feeling of foreign object in throat constantly
Understanding TMJ and TMD
TMJ, or the TemporoMandibular Joint, is your jaw joint. It’s a broad term used to describe discomfort or functional issues in this vital part of your body. TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder, encompasses various forms of dysfunction or disease related to the TMJ, making it a complex condition to address.
Uncovering the Causes of TMD
These conditions often stem from a sequence of injuries that strain the jaw joint, caused by trauma (such as a blow to the face), car accidents, misaligned bites, or the habit of clenching and grinding. Identifying the exact “cause” can be challenging, except when an acute injury is evident, and symptoms emerge soon after the incident.
Chronic pain or TMJ usually develops over years. Your body can adapt for a time, but when another injury occurs, it can push your system to the brink, making the situation unbearable.
TMJ/TMD and Craniofacial Pain Therapy
At the Center for TMJ, Sleep Therapy & Airway Orthodontics, we advocate for gentle, reversible, noninvasive therapy as the initial treatment approach. This often involves a 12-16 week regimen of oral orthotic therapy. We’re proud to have a 95% success rate in alleviating reported symptoms and gradually discontinuing daytime orthotic use. If weaning off the orthotic is unsuccessful, we’ll explore and suggest Phase II therapy options that provide stability to your condition.
Customized Solutions
for Adults
Facial pain, headaches, and jaw issues often signal underlying problems within the body, much like a fever is a symptom of the common flu.
Our services for adults dealing with craniofacial pain may include:
- Comprehensive diagnostics
- Non-surgical rehabilitation treatment plans
- Nutritional guidance
- Short-term custom orthopedic oral orthotics (not splints)
- Physical medicine treatments, including trigger point therapy, laser therapy, motor-nerve reflex testing and joint vibration analysis
- Coordination of referrals across multiple disciplines
Proper diagnosis and emphasis on underlying causes, rather than merely addressing symptoms alone, are essential for successful, long-term treatment. Following a thorough diagnosis, we craft a customized non-surgical treatment plan for rehabilitation to address the unique needs of each patient.

Precise Diagnosis
for Children
The good news for children is that they are still in their developmental stages, and early identification and treatment yield better outcomes!
Services for children facing craniofacial pain may include:
- Comprehensive diagnostics
- Non-invasive recovery treatment plans
- Orthopedic orthodontic development
- Nutritional guidance
- Physical medicine treatments, including laser therapy, motor-nerve reflex testing and joint vibration analysis
- Coordination of referrals across multiple disciplines
Craniofacial pain can manifest in children at an early age. While it may seem milder, these young children have always lived with symptoms like jaw pain, headaches, and difficulties in everyday functions. Without diagnosis and treatment, these symptoms tend to worsen with age.